“I had the pleasure of sitting in ceremony with Rodrigo on numerous Occasion. So I can speak to his dedication from the hearth which I witnessed every time I sat in ceremony with him. The moment he is in ceremony he shifts to a Devine conduit. I felt completely safe even though I didn’t know him well at all. He created a space that was nothing short of pure love and service. I felt his work is guided from a much higher place than the eye can see… that was very evident to me as I got to know him more witnessing him during my ceremonies. His devotion to his medicine and assisting others in their journey is nothing short bliss. You can not help but, experience pure unconditional love for the experience, for him, for the medicine, for all those around you. I think he creates that energetically through his purified intention. I look forward to sitting with him again if our paths cross again and I know whoever sits with him in ceremony they are in good hands. Thank you Rodrigo for your medicine that is part of your souls journey. I am blessed to have experienced it. With deepest gratitude”
—Venus from BC
Since age of 12 Ce Ācatl was introduced to the ceremonial lifestyle and adopted by elders who saw in him the potential. To be guided and form him to become the medicine man he is now serving only the highest good of all.
A master ceremonialist knowledgeable in many specific protocols and the hidden science behind ritual and sacred medicine.
On a side from his professional education, he never stopped in educating himself in different arts studied the mastery of Temazcalli (Sweatlodge) ceremony also the mastery of Ayahuasca for 6 years in Pucallpa Peru with different maestros ayahuasqueros, he have walked the dessert many times with Huicholes, Tohono Odham, Lakota nations.
Sun dancer, Sacred Fire keeper and Toltec wisdom keeper Ce Ācatl preserves the ancestral prayer of our ancestors alive while paves the way for the new paradigm to unfold. Keeping with integrity and impeccability the knowledge and customs for the future generations.
Some of medicines and ceremonies he facilitates and hold space for are…
Sacred Fire
Niños Santos - Magic Mushrooms
Divine Masculine Embodiment Circles