Dare to start a process of lifting the vail to merge with your shadows

Invest in yourself and the Universe will invest in you

“Today you seed, tomorrow you blossom”

— Deniz from Turkey

“I'd like to thank Rodrigo for offering his services in the darkest times of my life. I was dealing with situations where I was committing self-betrayal, and couldn't even see how I disrespected myself. Rodrigo showed me a perspective where love was the biggest superpower we all had, love was what we all are. And showed me how to act out of heart space, not ego, not hate. He helped me see the oneness within all of us. He showed me that we all are innocent and how powerful it is to forgive. He offered me guided meditations that helped me to face my childhood traumas, those moments of neglect in my past and I learned how important it is to love and forgive. He also taught me how to do shadow work and discover what is hidden within me. I'm in a lot better place in my life after receiving his powerful healing and counselling. He is a good guide, a good teacher and a really good friend. He has life-changing experiences and wisdom to offer. I'd recommend his services with my whole heart. I learned a lot about myself during this journey and learned to approach myself with love and patience. And this is what we all need these days.”

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