Humanist transpersonal psychotherapist coach and master ceremonialist, guide and mentor for preparation and integration of sacred medicines.
Maestro Ce Ācatl Rodrigo carries family healing tradition as Toltec, three decades of studies and experience in the ceremonial path, two decades of studies and experience as a psychotherapeutic counselor and space holder and 13 years of studies of the mastery of the science with Ayahuasca providing a safe and sacred space for deep work for healing and communion with spirit.
Specifically studied within the Shippibo Conibo school in Peruvian Amazon, sat in numerous MASTER PLANT DIETAS and different maestros learning the Science of ICARERO (sacred medicine chants and science of plants) where he supports local traditional families and assists directly in the production of the medicine he serves.
Ceremony setting that goes through the night, 6hr aprox, depending the specification of the work.
Through the deep ceremonial experience medicine is shared based on the need of each participant. Where prayers are shared and scents of incenses of sacred resins perfumes the scenery. Energetic cleanse and alignment is performed. As an optional shared of rapeh (tobacco medicine) is shared is you wish to receive it’s blessing. Different interventions from maestro can happen to support energetically your process.
Musically you can expect an energetic dance between sound and silence where authentic icaros that are sang (curandero science songs), to cleanse mind, heart and spirit and provide necessary alignments for your highest good. Followed and mixed with several musical instruments and ceremonial live music for maintaining the connection, elevating the frequency and supporting your journey with the spirit of the medicine until closing blessings,prayer and rest
Even though the ceremony last for 6hrs approximately the connection with the medicine can last up to 8/10hrs, we recommend to relax, rest and enjoy the last part of the medicine to support the integration process.
Guided meditation
Opening prayer
Energetic cleanse
Rapeh sharing
Icaros & music
Additional individual support
Individual prayer and blessing
Closing prayer & rest
Integration circle
Ayahuasca is an alliance of two ancestral plants of the Amazon (chakruna and ayahuasca) used by many indigenous communities and shamans from the Amazonian jungle for healing mind, body and spirit.
Ayahuasca allows us to heal in a deep and definitive way fears, guilt, anxiety, depression, addictions, also providing the necessary understanding and learning.
Soul, heart and being in unity with love, harmony and in depth understanding of who you are and the potential you carry.
Ayahuasca produces an expanded state of consciousness and active mindful awareness. This state is a different state from the alert state, beta wave phase in which we are awake (common state).
Ayahuasca allows us to enter into what we call "non-ordinary deep mindfulness states of consciousness or holotropic" (compound word that means "oriented towards totality" or "moving in the direction of totality").
This suggests that in our everyday state of consciousness we only identify with a small part of who we really are. What happens under holotropic states is that we can transcend the narrow limits of the body, mind and the ego, and connect with our full and complete identity.
Ayahuasca activates a part of our brain where emotional subconscious memory is stored (hippocampus and amigdala) also activates a part of the central nervous system from which decisions are made (integrating part) acting as a link between various brain functions. With the Ayahuasca, the biological circuits and mechanisms that allow creating new connections in our brain are mobilized.
Therefore, we find a powerful tool that allows us to deprogram ourselves to achieve a state of calm, understanding, learning and fullness.
There is no possibility of overdose since the number of tryptamine cell receptors is limited and once covered the body does not absorb more medicine, there are also no documented cases of death related to the substance as a direct cause or irreversible physical or mental damage.
To integrate the experience and potentiate healing at all levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) It is essential for any type of work that integrates everything that happened the session or sessions; is common after Ayahuasca and Bufo are performed following, the process and begins after the ceremony, very recommended, it can be one day or even one month to carry out therapeutic follow-up assisted by a professional.
To integrate is to relate the experience lived with the situations of daily life, so that each participant can see how it works in their daily lives, and be able to consider and apply the changes they are needing at that time in their lives.
This psychotherapeutic accompaniment must be carried out by experienced therapist, since in the experience of Ayahuasca or Bufo, due to the intensity and speed in which the dissolved false beliefs, distortions and conditionings occurs, the personality needs to be restructured, in order to potentiate the healing and have greater impact on the person’s life. It helps more than when processes are carried out without any accompaniment the results can be slow and there may be relapses.
The psychological integration, has a great effectiveness demonstrated and unimaginable in the advance on people progress.
Master Plants: Science of Consciousness
The DIET for the Amazonian man, is part of his life, is a latent expression of will and decision.
The DIET is a bridge of connection with the divine, of delivery, of offering and therefore of transformation.
The DIET itself is medicinal, and there are ancestral treatments for many diseases that begin with a fast, drinking only water, or ingesting preparations with plants to purify the body.
Then the DIET works the biological and material part of each being, cleanses us and prepares us for the ritual that is experienced in the Ayahuasca session, which is also an ancient medical system of the Andes and the Amazon.
The DIET is not only related to the material plane but to something subtle that with the will and the conscience, as an energy offering, experience of detachment and liberation of certain attachments
The intention of carrying out the DIETS is to enter a field of vibrations similar to that of nature itself, therefore, when we make a diet, we are preparing to know and greet with respect and sacredness the universe of knowledge, memories and healing that plants bring teachers, science of Mother Earth
In what consist the diet?
For people who feel they participate in the ceremony, they must carry a DIET of at least THREE days up to a week including the same day of the ceremony.
The diet is essential to participate in the ceremony
Consists in:
• Do not consume any type of meat, especially red meat and pork
• No Coffee, Marijuana, Processed foods, fried foods, gluten.
• Alcoholic beverages or drugs should not be used at least 5 days before the ceremony.
• No commercial cigarettes containing tar
• NO refined salt and sugar, they can be organic salts and sugars (honey of preference) and should be consumed in a very small amount, and if possible, stop consuming them (detachment)
• It is necessary total abstinence, asking for total seriousness, the sexual acts. At least 3 days before the ceremony, not having sex, since when an act as sacred and powerful as “making love” is shared, the sexual chakra is opened, and the energy in its potency is externalized in orgasm, leaving the body without that vital force for the healing process that ayahuasca gives, so it can cause decay during the ceremony.
• IMPORTANT: For people who have some type of drug addiction, such as cocaine, among others, they should contact us, since the diet must be 2 weeks without drugs. It is a longer preparation process, which requires special accompaniment can be supported with minimum of 2 sessions of KAMBO to accelerate the detoxification process.
• On the same day of the ceremony
Why? To deepening yourself the process of offering and make sure to make space for the medicine.
If you choose to have food a light breakfast, preferably fresh fruit and green leafy salad.
DO NOT consume garlic, chile, black beans, onion or citrus fruits, mango, pineapple, grapes, tomato, fried foods, probiotics, grapes, nuts, peanuts, avocado.
Food must be consumed before 3pm . From 3 and after drink plenty of water teas are allowed.
• Strong will when diet, it will benefit your healing process and the medicine will be more GENTLE IN YOUR PROCESS and REWARD you in this experience of life, with life and to life.
* No medications
* No dairy.
* Suspend food supplements and protein extracts.
* Not sexual activity
* No drugs or alcohol
* No meats or sausages
* No antidepressant medications (check with the facilitator)
* No schizophrenia
* No pregnant people
* No people with pacemakers or heart disease.
* Suspend any energy drink.
* Stop any medication, tea or substance that alters the nervous system.
* If you are under medical treatment alopata or herbalist consult with the facilitator. *
* Fasting, only soft foods whether fruits, tea or juices in case of people with diabetes.
The 3 days before the medicine drink more water than normal.
- Comfortable clothing and clothing change.
-Mat Yoga or surface for lying down and sitting.
- Blankets for the night.
- Fruit and / or flowers for the offering.
- Food for personal consumption or to share, for the next day.
- Glass, plate and spoon if they think they need it
- Toilet paper.
- Water bottle
- Candle with glass