Crave stone representing Cacao Offering
Join us as we heal, release and rejuvenate with Sacred Wild Mayan medicine to reconnect and open our Heart's essence of Divine Love.
Come and commune with spirit and gentle hearts and receive raising divine energies tips on how to be empowered from our most authentic heart's truth and reconnect with our gifts that are waiting to be shared!
We are hosting this powerful ceremonial Mayan Cacao that comes straight from the Mayan jungle, with the help of Ix Balam’s Family, a family that for centuries, have been devoted to the care and harvest of the ancient master trees from the ancestral Mayan heritage in the form of a culinary and spiritual experience.
This sacred ceremony we will open with the Mayan Way, followed by teaching therapeutic and alchemical techniques to empower and achieve inner peace and inner growth in the path of self mastery. Followed by a Drum Journey + Tibetan Breathwork + Soundbath , Instruments and Chanting + "Limpia" (Auric and Energetic Cleanse and blessing in the Curanderismo tradition).
Cacao is originally from the Mayan territory. After the Spanish came, it was genetically hybridized, losing most of the entheogens (chemicals and medicinal properties that connects us with the divine). Most of the cacao that is commercially sold comes from the hybrid version and was taken to Africa and Sounh America for mass production. It is an honor to taste this authentic culinary brew in its rawest, original form.
Benefits of Mayan Cacao Elixir:
•Increases vitality, focus, concentration and awareness
•Reestablish brain activity
•Contains anandamide, the "bliss" molecule, which creates the feeling of euphoria
•Contains phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphines...LOVE and HAPPINESS!
•Hormone balancer due to boost of serotonin
•Powerful anti-oxdiant and anti-inflammatory
Benefits of Tibetan breathing technique: •Release and liberation of emotional and mental blockages
•Detox of the circulatory, endocrine and lymphatic system
•Cellular memory reconstruction
•Boost immune system
•Chakra and DNA activation
•Release and realignment of the energetic body
Cacao is the elixir of the heart and upper chakra centers. With the help of the sacred plant medicine and Tibetan breath work, we will reconnect with our heart in an experience of auto-healing and self-mastery for empowering ourselves to start walking the steps towards our Divine Freedom where we open up to our service to others.
Although the tradition of using cacao in ceremony was temporarily forgotten (it was one of the most popular rituals used from the Mayan to the Aztec cultures,) the Spirit of the Cacao has returned in a most sacred way to gather, heal, and celebrate the highest vibrational frequency of Unconditional Love.
Our evening of ceremony will consist of:
•Drinking Cacao Elixir
•Guided Meditation & Class
•Tibetan breathing techniques
•Sound Bath
What to bring:
•Yoga mat/pillow
•Wear comfortable clothing
Bring water
*Recommended not to ingest any food at least 4 hrs prior ceremony.