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This will be a full scope of understanding shadow, belief systems, and self-sabotaging patterns of behavior. We will give you the tools to help you identify your triggers in your daily life and see your own mirror through a different lens.

Shadow work has undeniably freed us from our own suffering and pain. Understanding that nothing is outside of us gives us the opportunity to lean in and recognize our own shadow first. We use our triggers as data. What is a trigger? A neurological response that emanates an emotion. This shows us what our wounds are, our fears, our self doubt. We call this medicine. 

We observe every trigger as medicine to show us where our shadow is. This is step 1. It is called shadow recognition. This is our greatest teacher. 

The next step is to integrate our shadow. To heal and love these sides of ourselves that we don't acknowledge, recognize, or haven't healed yet. This is step 2. It is called Unity Consciousness. This is the most important part.

As we become one with our shadows the triggers deplete, your reflection in others shifts and you become free of your own suffering, your own limiting beliefs,  and the patterns that keep you stuck. 

This is the real work. Shadow mastery is what sets you free. 
This set of tools will help you navigate through life with self understanding, the ability to see and be accountable for the expectations you put on others,  the suffering you project on others, and the entitlement you may have from life itself. 

The truth is WE are the CREATORS of our LIVES. Everything you are experiencing is based on you creating it, so this is an opportunity to understand why and how you got here, and most importantly how to get to where you REALLY want to go. 

In this course we will cover
  •            5 wounds of the soul
    •            What is shadow and how to identify it  
    •             The breakdown of trauma response
    •            Trigger alchemy - How to identify, understand  and transmute your triggers 
    •            Becoming one with your true self 
    •            How to apply these tools to your daily life for impeccable freedom 

This course begins April 5 and is priced at $777
This is valued at 2,400 and the digitally recorded version will be sold for much higher. This is your opportunity to have access to
Q and A, live breathwork, and we will choose a couple of people to volunteer to have a live session with us. You will also receive a link to print out the workbook, for you to be able to do this work at home using the "Everything is Medicine" protocols for your triggers. 

This container will be held on Zoom twice per week for 3 weeks.  There will be 6 sessions in total. Each session will run about 2- 2.5 hours. We will cover each topic efficiently and end with breathwork.  Each session will be recorded and placed into a module for you to have access for 1 year. 

We do this work daily, we are masters at it, and just want to help you do the same. We have spent thousands of dollars personally to learn, study, and be trained on shadow work. The processes were long and much of our personal methods were developed on our own similarly. So we came together to create an easily digestible process that can be applied to your daily life. For us, it's not about keeping 1:1 clients attached to us for help, it's about teaching you how to be your own self healer, and maximize your own ability to free yourself. 

We love you,
Amalia and Ce Acatl


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